Red Moxie Media Brands

About the Company

Red Moxie Media housed the brands Pro MediaFire, Pro WebFire, Creativo, and Digital Fire University. All of these brands worked together to offer media, web, marketing and strategy to churches and non-profits who are doing good in the world. For a year and a half, I served as their Digital Content and Strategy Manager. That long and fancy title really just meant that I wore many hats—from doing hands-on creative and client work to simultaneously leading a team of more than five creatives.

As a creative, I clarified the brand voice, wrote the website copy, performed keyword research, monitored the website metrics on a monthly basis, and optimized the sites to be found through organic search. As a manager, I successfully created time-saving processes and increased team capacity by 125% within a year, all while guiding more than 100 media and web clients in their overarching digital strategy.

The Work

Pro MediaFire

Pro MediaFire (now rebranded to PMF Creative) is the flagship brand, and my primary role was to use content to increase the lead generation for their graphic design, video, social media, and strategy services for non-profits.

For the Pro MediaFire website, I wrote fresh new website copy—from the home page to SEO-focused service pages—to match the rebranded and updated website look. I also planned, created, and managed all of their social media profiles. I chose the theme for content for each day, wrote the captions, researched the hashtags, scheduled the posts, and responded to comments.

Pro WebFire

Pro WebFire (now connected under the PMF Creative brand) was the next largest brand, and they solely provided custom-built websites for churches and non-profits. Maximizing and optimizing their website was essential so they could showcase their web-design skills and work.

For the Pro WebFire website, I wrote copy and gave direction to the developers on how to structure and organize the new pages during the building phase. During my time I also consulted with all of Pro WebFire’s 70+ clients, helping to optimize their websites with strategic page titles, meta descriptions, and guiding them through the process of setting up both Facebook pixels and Google Analytics.

Digital Fire University

Digital Fire University has become an educational hub for church leaders, communicators, and creatives. I performed keyword research and often personally jumped into copywriting to ensure their weekly blog posts reach as many people organically as possible.

For the Digital Fire University website, along with a copywriter who I managed, we created and optimized over 100 blog posts. Topics ranged from graphic design best practices to strategic website mapping to campaign ideas to make the most of the end of year giving season. In everything I wrote—whether under my name or as a ghostwriter for the CEO—the intention was to inform, inspire, and engage with church leaders. We actively nurtured customers and prospects through the sales funnel, while establishing credibility with those resources.


Creativo is a subscription-based app that provides a library of videos and graphics for social media, and professionally designed website templates all made with church and ministry leaders in mind. I helped bring the brand to life and launch it!

For the Creativo website, I wrote all of the content and optimized the site for its official launch in October 2021. The launch event included a week-long free social media bootcamp, where we hosted influencers like Nona Jones and Carey Nieuwhof in hour long sessions to train church leaders. The Facebook group for the launch reached over 2000 members, and I was responsible for approving members, posting content and reminders daily, collecting testimonials during the launch nurturing them after the event ends. Only 1 month after launch, Creativo appeared on page 1 of Google search results.


Your story deserves to be heard. Let’s work together to find to the heart of your story and write the words your clients need to hear.

