Write An Instagram Bio That Converts in Minutes

Your Instagram profile is your business card, portfolio, and website home page, all wrapped up into one. You have one chance to leave a great first impression. So you need to tailor your Instagram bio and make sure it’s fully-equipped to convert Instagram visitors into followers.

When you’re scrolling through Instagram and diving into new brands and businesses, I’m sure you’ve based your decision on whether you’re going to stay scrolling through an account based on their bio. It’s the first impression everyone will get when popping onto your feed, so what the heck do you say?

There are thousands of ways to write an Instagram bio and just as many emojis to choose from.

However, you still need to be sure you’re sharing the important information and getting them interested when people first pop onto your profile.

If you’re stressing over those few sentences and wanting a simple formula to write a creative and converting bio in under just a few minutes, you’ve come to the right place!

4 Tips To Write An Instagram Bio That Converts in Minutes

1. Prioritize What You Do

You want to put what you do in the first five words of your bio. This step is crucial for Instagram Bios because you only have 7 seconds to impress someone landing on your feed; make them count!

People are reading less and less these days, so what you say in the first sentence of your Instagram bio better be to the point and understandable: something as easy as what your business is about or who you are. Make sure to keep it simple and concise enough that people get what you do instantly. With your bio, you’re introducing them to your work and who you are as a company or professional.

At Sarah Catherine Creative, I want to make sure you know within 2 seconds that I am a storyteller. It doesn’t sound super fancy, but it’s simple; it gives users the context they need to spend time on my Instagram feed and keys them into what services I may offer WAY before they see any work.

2. Add What Makes You Unique or Stand Out Amongst the Crowd

So, you’ve introduced what your business does. But now’s the time to share what makes you different! Usually, people have seen a handful of a similar business, and your Instagram bio should show what makes you stand out from the crowd and makes you memorable.

73% of buyers will pick a business or service that they can relate to or remember from something personal.

So, when you share who you are, why you started your business, or even what makes you tick, you’re making deeper connections with followers who turn into customers!

So share something that makes you unique! Maybe it’s where you’re located or what your favorite food, drink, or activity is. Whatever you choose, have a little fun with it. And remember, the best part about your Instagram bio is that you can change it whenever you like! 

I’m a fan of camping out in local coffee shops with a giant latte and my laptop, so I want to share that! I want people to remember me for loving the quiet, cozy space of a coffee shop and relate to needing a little extra caffeine every morning to get me going.

3. Be Sure to List What You Do Best

Ok, now here comes the good stuff! Your Instagram bio should tell new users and your followers what you’re known for and what you do best! 

Every business has a specialty or story that makes you stand out from the crowd. Don’t assume new visitors will figure that out from your feed; make sure you TELL THEM! Telling users what you do also makes it much easier for them to envision you solving their current problem and brings them a step closer to contacting you for help.

I like to list my primary services in between some bullet points, but those may change from time to time! As your business grows and introduces new products and services, your Instagram bios should highlight that!

4. Add Emojis

Sprinkling in emojis in your Instagram bio will give it a fresh and fun feel while helping your brand stand out from the crowd. So right there, you’re enticing the user to keep reading. 

And when you use an emoji that fits your brand, it takes up less space than words, so you can add extra info that the character count wouldn’t allow for with text.

With an emoji or two, you’ve not only explained what you do, but you’ve brought in personality and made it fun. Because, at the end of the day, social media is meant to be fun!

Some organizations may not find an emoji to use, and that’s ok! It may not fit your branding or your industry. I’m not saying an emoji is a necessary part of your Instagram bio but can be an asset when used correctly.

There’s no denying that an Instagram bio is a crucial part of attracting your organization’s ideal audience, driving more traffic to your site, and making more sales! So make sure to revisit your current Instagram bio and ensure you’re making a fantastic first impression with every new visitor.

If updating and maintaining your Instagram account is too much, I can help. My goal for each client is not just to build something pretty but to create social media accounts that stop your ideal customers and move them into action.

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