What’s In A Lead Magnet? 10 Easy Lead Magnet Ideas to Grow Your Email List

Ah, the freebie/lead magnet/email list opt-in. If you run a business and you’re looking to grow your email list, you need to create an opt-in to engage with them and encourage them to work with you.

So it would help if you had something to offer them. Where do you start? First, let’s start by understanding the purpose of the lead magnet.

Your lead magnet should accomplish the following:

  • Provide value to your audience entirely for free.

  • Encourage your ideal customers to subscribe to your email list.

  • Show people a preview of your personality and what it’s like to work with you.

  • Make it easy (and fun), so subscribers are eager for what’s next.


So that’s what your opt-in needs to do. On to the tougher part: creating it. Here are 10 types of lead magnets to start growing your email list! 

PSST… As you start dreaming of what freebie to build, think about how you’ll get email sign ups as well! You can use the Freebie Funnel Copy Template to write copy that captivates, connects, and converts. Ready to grow your email list today? Save 20% on the copy template with the code “BLOG” at check out!

1. Cheat Sheets

You’re probably an expert in what you do, and others want to learn from you! Cheat sheets can contain a summary or list of terms to refresh your visitor’s memory on complicated processes or strategies.Help your visitors by providing a cheat sheet that pertains to your industry and get them through their tasks faster in exchange for their email address.

2. Spreadsheets

Excel spreadsheets with built-in tables and formulas can be perfect for helping your subscribers put together a budget, or plan a wedding.

3. Checklists

Checklists give your audience with step-by-step action steps to achieve a goal. And trust me, people are more than willing to hand over their email address for something that saves them time or makes their life easier.

Pinterest is blowing up with things like “Your Healthy Grocery Shopping List” and “Weekly Self-Care Checklist,” and do you know why? It’s because people love simple solutions to their problems! 

Try creating an opt-in on your website, offering a simple checklist of how you can solve a common problem for your visitors, and watch your email list grows!

4. Planners & Calendar Pages

Everybody loves a good planner. Our lives are busy, and creating something that helps others get organized provides a lot of value. These lead magnets are best built at the beginning of the year, but they are an excellent resource for your audience to get organized!They’re also easy and fun to make. You can use images, quotes, and graphics to create a theme. Develop a calendar around your industry and ensure it’s presented in a printable format.

5. Quizzes

Using quizzes as lead magnets are a fun and engaging way to grow your email list. How often have you taken a Buzzfeed quiz just for a fun experience and instant gratification?

Whether it’s a fun quiz, like which TV show character are you, or a questionnaire that provides detailed insight, quizzes hold a sense of urgency like a leadership style quiz. Your ideal customers will gladly share their email address to find out the answer.

6. Worksheets

You might want to create a worksheet for your free lead magnet. Worksheets let your reader answer open-ended questions about your topic or industry and provides them with form fields to fill out their answers. Worksheets are a great way to walk users through a process you use or help them find.

7. Templates & Samples

A template is anything that provides an outline or some starting point, so all the subscriber has to do is fill in the blanks. People will happily share their email for templates and examples, because we’re always searching for examples, in a variety of industries. Whether its a pack of cute Instagram story templates, an email template, a sample client proposal, or a fill-in-the-blank guide, it will be a helpful guide to your potential customers.

8. Workbooks

A workbook is a mini version of ebook, but it’s more interactive and provides your readers with specific tasks to achieve their goals. When your ideal customer gets a workbook, they’ll be able to work their way through the pages, filling in blanks, brainstorming, and reflecting. With your expertise guiding them through, they’ll complete the workbook and have a clear plan, path, or next step to take. And you’ll have established some credibility and authority with them too.

9. Ebooks & White Papers

If you’re selling a higher-price service or product, an ebook is a great way to showcase your knowledge and expertise while growing your list at the same time. B2B companies often have white papers and pamphlets that already exist, providing in-depth and detailed knowledge to their prospective customers.

Ebooks are great because they convert well, and they’re straightforward to create. Just design the templates in Canva, and you’ll have your ebook up & running in no time!

10. Email Course

Use your emails as your lead magnet! Instead of sending all your information and hard-earned wisdom at once, you can separate it into smaller chunks and send out your emails to provide value over time. Combining email marketing with your lead magnet is a great way to grow your subscriber list and get those individuals engaging with your brand. 

By sharing a 3 or 5-day “course” with an email full of value each day, your subscribers will continue engaging with your emails on a daily (or weekly) basis and look forward to your future emails after the course ends. With this lead magnet style, you’ll create long-lasting relationships with your subscribers.

Creating a freebie to generate leads for your business doesn’t have to be so bad! And once it’s built, you can use the Freebie Funnel Copy Template to write a landing page and email copy that captivates, connects, and converts.

Ready to grow your email list today? Save 20% on the copy template with the code “BLOG” at check out!

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