Announcing A New Logo + Look!

One year ago, I had a domain name and a dream – to create connections and share meaningful content. I can only describe it as a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs, lessons and challenges, and occasionally hanging upside down not knowing what’s going to happen next.

This year has simultaneously been the most rewarding and most challenging thing that I have ever done, but I wouldn’t change a single moment. The first year was full of working, learning, growing, and changing (hellooo new last name and married life!).

This year already feels different, and I can see the exciting changes that my second year in business is going to bring. One of these is a complete refresh. When I created this business in July last year, I wasn’t sure what I was doing. After a quick logo design and a domain purchase, I was a “business owner” even though I didn’t fully grasp what I had signed myself up for! A year has passed, and I’ve learned what it means to be a business owner, how I want to run my business and the way I want to serve my community. I believe this new look better matches my intentions: a joyful experience, a fresh perspective, and peachy keen service.

During this refresh, I’ve been identifying the “why” behind my business. I’ve found that my purpose is to help companies to put their best foot forward online.

My job isn’t just to post pictures on Instagram; my job is to show each client that I care. I understand all the hard work that goes into building and growing your business, and I care about your business, as much as I do my own.

With the help of the amazing graphic designer, Linnea Taylor, we worked to find something that captured the warm, fuzzy feeling I wanted this brand to have. I hope you like this change for Sarah Catherine Creative, because honestly, I’m just getting started.



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