Preparing for a Website Redesign: Advice from a Copywriter

If you’re gearing up for a website redesign—a brand refresh, a new launch, or a much-needed digital facelift—you’ve landed in the right spot. I get it. A website overhaul is full of emotions, excitement, nerves, and countless decisions that need to be made.

I’ve worked with dozens of business owners as they’ve gone through rebrands and website redesigns. From wedding planners to financial planners, I’ve seen it all. Through that experience, I’ve learned a few things that can help make the process smoother, whether you’re wondering how to prepare for a website redesign or trying to decide if it’s time to get one!

The Importance of a Website Redesign

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of preparing for a website redesign, let’s first talk about why it’s important. Your website is often the first touchpoint for potential customers or clients. It’s where they’ll go to learn more about your brand and what you have to offer. And just like in real life, first impressions matter.

A well-designed website with clear navigation and engaging content can make a strong positive impression on visitors. A dated site can turn them away before they even get a chance to see what you offer. This is why a redesign for your website can be so powerful! A refreshed site makes sure your digital presence reflects the current state of your business and attracts those dream customers you do happy dances about working with.

So now let’s tackle the big question you’re thinking: how do I prepare for website redesign?

How to Prepare for a Website Redesign

First, take a deep breath. This process should be fun and exciting! At the end of the process, you’ll (hopefully) have a beautiful website and a crazy high-converting tool for your brand! Let’s walk through the process, step by step, so you know exactly what to do and how to make the most of the redesign process.

1. Analyze your current website

Before jumping into a new template or website, look at your current site. Take a critical look through the site—design, layout, content, functionality, everything! What’s working? What’s not? List what you like and don’t like about your current website. Then use that list as a guide for your decisions throughout the redesign.

You don’t have to do this alone. In fact, you shouldn’t! Involve your team or even ask for feedback from your network of fellow business owners. Even your customers can provide valuable insights into how your website is currently serving them.

2. Define your goals and objectives

Take a step back and think about your overall goals. What do you want to achieve with this new website? Are you trying to attract more customers or showcase your products or services in a better way? Do you want to improve user experience or generate more leads?

Having a clear understanding of your goals will guide the redesign and help you measure your site’s success once it launches.

3. Know your target audience

The next step is to take the focus off of you and onto your ‘who’—customers, clients, partners, whatever title you give them! Your website should be designed with your target audience in mind.

Who are they?

What do they want?

What kind of experience are they looking for?

Psst… Don’t skip this step—knowing your audience is key to a successful website redesign.

You can gather this information through market research, customer surveys, or simply talking to your customers directly. But what matters is finding these answers. Those will help you define and clarify who you serve, and knowing that changes everything.

4. Plan out your content

Content is king when it comes to websites. While the design may catch someone’s eye, the content will keep them engaged and ultimately lead to conversions.

So, what content should your website have? Well, that depends on your goals and target audience. Some general content ideas include an about page, product or service descriptions, frequently asked questions, testimonials or case studies, and a contact page.

Don’t forget to add a blog, too! A blog can be a valuable tool for attracting and engaging your target audience and boosting your website’s search engine rankings (which we’ll explore further in this list!). As a website copywriter, I recommend having at least 3 blogs on your site when it launches and adding new posts regularly.

5. Have your branding, messaging, and web copy ready

Branding, messaging, and web copy are crucial for a successful website redesign. They should all work together to create a cohesive and impactful online presence.

Usually, designers will ask for your copy before beginning the design process. My favorite part of the process is seeing the words I’ve written and semi-formatted turned into a beautiful wireframe or site mock-up. Your designer will use the words themselves to align the design to fit your brand.

Another reason for having a copy ready before design is because it influences design. Instead of trying to shove words into a preformatted box or template, your copy will guide the designer in exactly what you want each page to say.

A beautiful website is great, but website copy is where connection and conversion happen.

Not sure how to write a whole website that will capture attention and convert like crazy? That’s what I’m here for! When you book my website copywriting service, we’ll work together to create a website that tells your unique brand story and resonates with your target audience.

A website redesign is perfect for refining and strengthening your brand and message.

6. Consider SEO

Don’t forget about search engine optimization (SEO)! It’s not enough to have a beautiful website if no one can find it. SEO is the technique that helps your website rank higher on search engine results.

SEO can get really technical really quickly. And just like so much else in our ever-evolving world, the algorithm and rules for SEO are always changing. But, a few core components have remained steady over the years.

Some basic steps to optimize your site before you launch a redesign include:

  • conducting keyword research
  • optimizing page titles and descriptions
  • creating high-quality backlinks
  • regularly updating your website with fresh content (hello, blog!)
  • ensuring your website is mobile-friendly

An experienced website copywriter (psst, that’s me!) will also be mindful of SEO best practices and incorporate those into your web copy during the writing phase.

7. Gather visual inspiration

Now, let’s talk about the fun part: Your homework for this step is literally scrolling through Pinterest or browsing website templates. Go ahead and start pinning things you love and that reflect your brand and goals. Save anything from color palettes and fonts to layout ideas.

After you’ve scrolled and scoured the web, it’ll be time to edit. Go through and reflect on what you saved to your mood or inspiration board. Is there a cohesive direction? Or is it all over the place? Did you love something at the moment, and now you’ve seen more and feel like it’s not as aligned with your vision?

Take the time to cull your pins and refine your vision. This will help your designer understand your style preferences and give them a visual reference.

8. Research your competitors’ websites

Take a peek at what they’re doing well and where they may be lacking. What does their website have that yours doesn’t? How can you improve upon their design, user experience, or content?

More importantly, ask yourself how I am different from them. It could be your experience, your process, your editing style, your background. The list goes on and on. Knowing what sets you apart from your competition will help guide your website redesign so it stands out in a crowded market.  

9. Choose the right web designer

Choose a web designer who understands your brand, goals, and target audience. Look at their portfolio and make sure their design style aligns with what you envision for your website.

Communication is key when working with a web designer, so choose someone who is open to collaboration and takes the time to understand your needs.

A great web designer will not only create a visually stunning website but also make sure it functions well and aligns with your business.

Not sure who to hire? I can refer you to a couple of my favorite designers! All you have to do is ask.

How to Make The Transition Smooth During the Redesign Process

Once you know how to prepare for your website redesign, and you’ve followed all the steps above, it’ll be time to take action and officially make the switch. Yay! Here’s how to make sure your business doesn’t skip a beat during the redesign process:

Set a realistic timeline

A website redesign can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the scope of the project. Set a realistic timeline with your designer and other team members or contractors involved.

Be prepared for a learning curve

A website redesign may involve transferring content to a new platform or learning to use a different interface. This process takes time and patience, so be prepared for a learning curve. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your designer or developer, too. Lean on the experts around you, so you can get back to doing what you’re the expert at!

Communicate regularly

Communication is key during a website redesign. Schedule regular check-ins with your designer and any other contractors involved in the project.

Save your old site

Before you start making any changes, make sure you have backups of your current website and all its content. This will ensure that if anything goes wrong during the redesign process, you have something to fall back on.

Move all your content

Once you have the backup, it’s time to make a migration plan. If you already have existing content, plan for its migration onto the new website. All those blogs, photos, and videos provide value and help engage your visitors. You’ll want to keep them around on the new site.

But, as you start moving content to the new site, reviewing it’s also a good idea. Does every blog post and photo align with the direction your business is heading? Is it still relevant information? Use this as an opportunity to declutter and update your website’s content.

Test, test, test

Before officially launching your new site, make sure to test everything. Click on all the links to check for broken ones. View the site on different devices and browsers. You could (and should!) even have a few people you trust check it out for any potential issues.

Announce the launch

Once everything is tested and ready to go, announce the launch of your new website! Share it on social media and tell your audience about all the exciting changes you’ve made.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed a website redesign and now have a beautiful, functional website that reflects your brand and connects with your target audience. Now, it’s time to sit back, relax, and reap the benefits of a well-designed website.  

Get Excited for Your New Website!

When done right, a website redesign can refresh your brand, improve user experience, and attract more clients. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to a website that tells your story and shows your business in the best possible light. And if you need help telling your story with website copy that connects and converts, I’m just a click away!  

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