6 Steps to Sell Your Services On Social Media

Having the ability to sell your services effectively is crucial for your business. It’s the only way for you to stay in business. And social media is another opportunity to market and grow your business.

For a lot of business owners, selling on social media is the most challenging part! Promoting your products or services on social media might make you feel uncomfortable, but it’s crucial if you want clients to know what you offer and how they can work with your business. 

Here are six tips for selling your services on social media without feeling sales-y. 

1. Optimize Your Social Profiles

Does your social media bio clearly state what you offer and who your clients are?
Do you have a link in your profile for potential clients to learn more about your business?
Is your contact button set up on Instagram and Facebook so leads can connect with you quickly?

If you answered “no” to any questions, you might be missing out on new clients, leads, and sales! You only get one chance to make a first impression, so let your social media profile do the heavy lifting?  

Learn How To Write An Instagram Bio That Converts In Minutes

When new visitors find your profile, they should immediately understand what you offer and have an easy way to contact you. If they’re coming directly to you, the selling part should be easy! 

2. Share Value In Everything

It’s so much easier to sell a product or service when it isn’t sales-y and doesn’t feel like selling. 

When you share content on social media that’s helpful to your ideal clients, you’ll establish yourself as an expert. You’ll become a trusted resource to your ideal client, and when it comes time to buy, you’ll be the first brand they think of. 

To ensure you consistently share value in social media, establish a few repeating social media content categories or themes. Use these categories to organize your posts, and get to posting! 

By consistently showing up during the week with valuable information, no one will bat an eye when you promote a service or share how they can work with you, and they’ll be ready for it! 

3. Use Lead Magnets To Collect Leads

Do you have an in-depth blog post or a checklist that will help your ideal clients get started? Turn that content into a lead magnet, and share those resources on your social media accounts. 

Lead magnets are the best way to serve your prospective customers, share value, and engage them as they start their customer journey.

And by adding them to your email list, you can continue to share value, and establish yourself as an expert when you pop into their inbox.

4. Focus on the Benefits 

As business owners, we can scream from the rooftops about how valuable our work is. But what makes an impact and influences sales is how it helps your ideal clients reach their specific goals?

Use your social media posts to answer that question, and your clients will be showing up, ready to get started with you. When you post, you aren’t selling services. You’re offering solutions to their problems or helping them reach tangible business goals. By providing examples and benefits that are specific, customers are more likely to decide to switch.

5. Share Stats And Reviews

Do you have raving client testimonials? Case studies from successful projects? Share that online! Case studies, testimonials, and other social proof are some of the best (and least sales-y) ways to sell your services on social media. With these 3rd party quotes and data, you’re not the one tooting your horn, the satisfied clients and statistics are doing that for you. 

Make sure you ask clients for their testimonials and create a system to collect and share their praises on social media to promote your business consistently. 

6. Connection is Key

Social media is about being what? SOCIAL. 

So you need an outreach strategy that puts your account in front of potential clients regularly. Start with your ideal client persona and find accounts that align with your target audience. Then, follow them on Instagram or connect with them on Linkedin and engage! When they post, like and comment, and build connections with them.

Take time when you’re online to reach out and connect in an authentic and personal way. This outreach will encourage them to visit your profile to see what you’re all about. 

See, selling your services on social media doesn’t have to be scary! If you still feel intimidated or need help developing the strategy that drives sales, let’s chat about how I can help!

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